The 3rd Open Day in Lebork was held at the end of the winter holidays in many provinces of Poland. The museum took advantage of this period when many tourist travel across the country, to promote the project film, the applications and the devices for tourists. Visitors were handed out the ticket and the attachment created for this special occasion to show how to use the “Museum in the Pocket” application on their own. The project video was viewed inside the new “Welcome Space” of the Water Tower while the Draw Alive application was chosen again by the children to amuse themselves. Besides, they also enjoyed the muffins with the project logo on the top. After, they could bring their drawings home, even some adults took the chance to use the Draw Alive device. Some visitors stopped at the visitors’ centre to fill the questionnaires, and receive the prized project Tshirt souvenir.
There were over 130 visitors on the third Open Day and over 270 in total to tour the exhibition and the project attractions over the rest of the weekend.