• The COVID-19 impact on the MUS.NET. institutions

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Acknowledging the impact that COVID-19 has had on the lives of the peoples across Europe,  MUS.NET. decided to take a look at the impact on the audiences of the cultural institutions that have joined this Creative Europe project and on the project itself.

During lockdown from March to  June 2020, the entire partnership venues were closed. However, despite financial difficulties, MUS.NET. cultural institutions never ceased to function: they designed and tested new methods to communicate with audiences, and transformed their cultural offer and educational activities, based on the availability of technological advanced tools.

Also during lockdown, the  project officers managed to conduct the survey on the best practices with interviews to managers of cultural institutions in each country and, when museums reopened to the public, they submitted to the public both online and paper questionnaires to research new ways to develop of their audiences.