Museum in Lębork organizes an on-line contest “From the pocket to the head” which is combination of local heritage knowledge popularization and promotion of new ICT technology implementation. The knowledge scope for participants includes the content of the “Museum in the pocket” mobile application which was created by Museum in Lębork as a part of the MUSeum.NETwork project, Creative Europe Programme. The application includes 50 QR codes concerning knowledge about the most interesting artefacts in the museum’s collections. The QR codes contain also information about museum exhibitions and facilities.
Museum in Lębork invites schoolchildren to participate in the contest. It is prepared for children from Lębork district in the following age categories: classes 4 to 6 (11-13 years old) and classes 7 to 8 (14-15 years old).
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Museum of Lebork launches a online contest
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