• Final MUS.NET. meeting, April 6th, 2022

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The final meeting of the MUS.NET. project was held on April 6th, 2022 in Padova. The meeting was  hosted by the Province of Padova in its headquarters.

Despite the lockdown that impacted on the project activities, the partners managed to conclude the project by the scheduled deadline of April 30th, 2022.  In the second live meeting since the project start, the partners received the congratulations of the vice presidents of the Province of Padova for their excellent and timely conclusion.

The partners gave presentations of the achievements in the respective museums, discussed the benefits of the installations, the comments of the audiences, the successful engagement of the target groups and finally declared their renewed commitment to continue innovate museums together. To crown it all, on April 7th the partners attended the Infoday organized with the National Contact Point introducing the 2021-2027 Creative Europe programme and ended with the tour of the installations of the partner Butterfly Arc.